Refinancing with a prepayment penalty Treat it like a closing cost and figure out what the payback period would be, says Dr. 融资与刑罚预付费用及关闭它是搞清楚回收期会、医师顿河。
Unfortunately, living in a minority neighborhood puts a homeowner at significantly higher risk of having a prepayment penalty. 不幸的是,生活在一个少数民族地区了一个房主在显着较高的风险有一个预付罚款。
If interest rates have dropped a lot, and you can't get out of the prepayment penalty, it may be worth rolling that amount into a new loan. 如果利率下降了很多,你无法摆脱的预付处罚可能值得滚动,向着新的贷款金额。
Allowing for prepayment without penalty. 允许提前还款,且收取罚金;
Some commercial banks in order to avoid losses, have developed the system of prepayment penalty. 近年来,一些商业银行为了规避损失的发生,相继制定了提前还款违约金制度。